Membership Growth, PILOT 2018

Being a Girl Guide in Uganda and all over the world gives access to leadership training and life skills development for the individual girl and young woman, enabling her to take lead in her own life and in society. UGGA has set the ambitious goal of growing the organization from current 200,000 members to 450,000 members by end of 2020.

The greatest challenge will be recruiting and training a sufficient number of new leaders, to accommodate such tremendous and rapid growth.

The PILOT 2018 project tests the UGGA membership growth concept in five districts within one region, before potential scaling up of the project to all of Uganda. The project works with growth in both school-based and community-based Guiding. The project further works with strengthening the current membership fee-structure for schools and individuals, to ensure stable income for future Guiding activities.

Finally, the project includes development and implementation of a digital membership system. By the middle of June 2018 the project is performing according to plan, is on budget and has surpassed the target of 150 new leaders.



Uganda Girl Guides Association (UGGA)

Project Name
Membership Growth, PILOT 2018

150 new leaders and 15,000 new members. Membership system implemented

USD 34,500

January–September 2018