Catalytic Investment

We see the Foundation as a catalyst. By adding knowledge, network and capacity to partners who share our passion for youth leadership, our ambition is to make a major contribution towards a better world. In conventional charity work, the charity takes out around 8 to 15 per cent of a donation to cover the charity’s administrative expenses and invest the rest in projects reflecting the donor’s preferences. The charity manages projects and reports on outcomes to donors.

The World Guide Foundation applies a slightly different operational model - Catalytic Social Investment. In this model, the Foundation cooperates with Social Investors to multiply the social impact of their money. The Foundation adds resources, including volunteers investing their own time, as a catalyst to help plan and run the projects and ensure maximum impact. We expect to add an average of 10% to the project investment from the Foundation’s spendable capital, on a “need-to-have” basis to achieve success.

Financial Sustainability

As a main principle, The World Guide Foundation will require at least 10% self-financing by the Project Partner, typically a National Scout/Guide Organization. The Foundation will further encourage development of local financial sustainability in projects and Scout/Guide activities.

Cost Efficiency

Projects run within the framework of the World Guide Foundation typically involve volunteer leaders at two levels. Around 90% of adults involved locally are volunteers, receiving no salary. In addition, the Foundation has an international group of very experienced volunteers (non-salaried) with project management and other skills contributing to the projects. In this way, the Foundation is able to make maximum impact at minimum costs.

Adding value to investments instead of taking out money for administration